For me personally, this year has passed incredibly quickly. I like to use these last days of the year to review the year. Maybe go through all your photos again and talk about them with my children, because especially in our fast-paced times, one thing seems to chase another. And it's so nice to look back and realise what we've done and experienced.
If you are not yet where you would have liked to be on your health journey, then this is a good time to recognise what your body has already done for you. The work it does every day is just for you. And maybe you'd like to make a little list of what's going great and where you've made progress this year (even if it's a small accomplishment).
I sincerely wish you a peaceful holiday with your loved ones and may the new year bring you happiness, peace and health.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for putting your trust in me.
Enjoy this delicious Mango Tart recipe for the holidays.
Mango Tart
This festive and simply incredibly delicious Mango Tart has been one of our favorite recipes for years. You can decorate it beautifully depending on the occasion.
12 dates, pitted
50 g pecan nuts
80 g almonds, ground
30 g hemp seeds
30 g coconut oil
Exotic fruits such as pitaya, gooseberries (ground cherries), star fruit or pomegranate seeds for garnish
Mango Filling
1 ripe, good quality mango
150 ml coconut milk
100 ml water
3 tbsp coconut sugar
3 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp agar agar
Line an 18 cm cake tin with baking paper. Finely chop the dates with the nuts, almonds and hemp seeds. Melt the coconut oil and mix with the date and nut mixture to form a compact mass. Spread into the tin and press down with the back of a spoon. Form a rim approx. 2 cm high. Chill in a cool place.
Mix the agar agar in a little water and boil for approx. 5 mins, stirring constantly (according to the instructions on the packet). Leave to cool briefly.
Peel the mango. Cut the flesh from the stone. Puree with coconut milk and water. Heat in a pan with the lime juice and sugar. Remove the pan from the heat and add the agar agar to the mango cream. Leave to cool. Spread over the tart base and smooth out. Chill for at least 3 hours.
Carefully loosen the edges with a knife. Remove the tart from the tin. Decorate with fruit.
Tip: This tart can be prepared the day before and decorated just before eating. At Christmas, it looks great with cut pitaya or other fruit with small star shapes.